Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement? Here are Five Signs

Planning a wedding is a fun and joyous time. It is understandable if thinking about a prenuptial agreement is the last thing you want to do. However, drafting this document is important so you can protect your rights, and perhaps your assets in the future. While anyone can benefit from a premarital agreement, there are certain instances when one is even more important. Below, our Brandon prenuptial agreement attorney outlines five times when you should consider drafting one of these contracts.
You Have Substantial Property
Many people are waiting to get married today. By the time they tie the knot, people often already have an established career and a significant amount of assets. If you own a business, real estate, or other significant assets, a prenuptial agreement can protect these assets in the event that you get a divorce. While these assets may already be considered separate property, there are times when they may be deemed as marital assets. A prenup will provide protection no matter what the future holds.
You or Your Partner has Substantial Debt
Many people know that marital assets are divided during divorce. However, debt may also be divided. If you currently carry a lot of debt, a prenuptial agreement can make sure your partner is not responsible for it in the future. Likewise, a prenuptial agreement can also protect you from being liable for your spouse’s debt if the marriage ends in divorce.
You are Expecting a Large Inheritance
Inheritances are typically considered separate property under Florida law. Still, just like property you acquired before getting married, inheritances are sometimes classified as marital property, particularly when they are commingled with marital assets. If you are expecting a large inheritance in the future, a prenuptial agreement can ensure it remains separate property and is protected in the future.
You Have Children from Another Relationship
Drafting a prenuptial agreement is essential if you have children from another relationship. In the event that you pass away, your spouse may receive all of your property and be responsible for distributing it to your children. There is a chance that your children may not receive anything. A prenuptial agreement will make sure your children are protected and that they receive any inheritance you leave them.
You Will Stay Home After You Marry
Although more households today require two incomes, many people are still opting to stay home and raise the children while their spouse goes to work. If you are not going to work after you are married, a prenuptial agreement can ensure you receive the spousal support you may need if you get a divorce.
Our Prenuptial Agreement Attorney in Brandon Can Make Sure You are Protected
If you are getting married and do not yet have a prenuptial agreement, you should seriously consider drafting a document. At Koether Law, P.A., our Brandon prenuptial agreement attorney can create a contract that is right for your circumstances and that will ensure your rights are protected. Call us now at 813-347-8193 to request a consultation with our experienced attorney.