Six Tips To Ensure Your Collaborative Divorce Is A Success

There are many ways to get a divorce in Brandon. One of the most popular is collaborative law, which requires both spouses to meet with their lawyers and relevant experts, such as vocational experts or childcare development professionals. It is important to give your collaborative divorce the best chance of success. If unsuccessful, you will likely have to go to trial, which is as costly as it is time-consuming. Below, our Brandon divorce attorney outlines six tips to ensure success in your case.
Trust the Process
In order for collaborative law to work, you must commit to the process. It is helpful to know that everyone else involved is also committed to the process. If collaborative law does not work and you have to enter into litigation, you cannot use the same attorneys or the same experts. As such, everyone around the table has a vested interest in making sure the collaborative divorce is successful.
Forget About Winning
The collaborative process does require some negotiating, but you should not enter into these negotiations with your focus solely on winning. Both sides have already won by avoiding the lengthy and costly process of litigation. Prepare yourself for a fair evaluation of many different options and focus on finding the right one, not taking your spouse for everything they are worth.
Rely on Your Team
At first, the number of experts used in collaborative law may seem excessive, but it is actually more efficient. Instead of one or both lawyers trying to become experts on certain topics, you can rely on certain experts on your team to come in and give advice when needed. Collaborative law uses a team-focused approach, which is the most effective way to reach solutions.
Do what is Asked of You
Your divorce lawyer may ask you to complete certain tasks, such as organizing your income tax returns or preparing an itemized listing of the property and assets you own. To avoid delays in the process and wasted time, complete these tasks as soon as your lawyer asks, so you know that you will be prepared.
Make Yourself Heard
Although you should not prepare for a collaborative divorce as though it is going to be a battle, you should also make sure you are heard. If you have questions, ask them. If you have concerns about where certain conversations are headed, voice them. You still have many rights when getting a collaborative divorce, and it is important to make sure they are upheld.
Choose the Right Divorce Lawyer in Brandon
Your Brandon divorce lawyer will play a big role during a collaborative divorce, so it is important to make sure you are working with the right one. At Koether Law, P.A., our skilled attorney will guide you through the collaborative process and help ensure it is successful so you can move forward with your new life as quickly as possible. Call us now at 813-347-8193 or reach out to us online to schedule a consultation.