The Do’s And Do Not’s Of Time-Sharing

Generally speaking, the courts in Florida presume that it is in a child’s best interests to have continuing and frequent contact with each of their parents. These relationships between parents and their children should continue even after divorce. During a divorce that involves children, a timesharing schedule is developed and it stipulates when children will spend time with their parents.
Timesharing is just as important to the parents as it is to the children, as it allows them to maintain their bond with a child. To ensure that time-sharing works effectively for all parties, parents must remain cooperative and know some of the basic do’s and do not’s of time-sharing.
The Do’s of Time-Sharing
The best practices for achieving parenting goals while time-sharing are as follows:
- Be prompt: Being late for pickups and drop-offs can increase conflict between you and your former spouse, while also creating inconsistency and stress for the child. Always be on time to make things easier on everyone.
- Make time-sharing a regular part of life: The time spent with your child is a time to strengthen your relationship. Still, it is important to remember that time-sharing is a regular part of life for your child now. As such, you should create a balance between responsibility and fun activities.
- Remain flexible: Your child’s other parent may have to change plans suddenly, or your child may make other plans during your time with them. When this happens, do not become upset but rather, try to make arrangements that will work for everyone involved.
- Respect your former spouse: Regardless of what has happened between you, it is critical that you remain respectful of your former spouse. Maintaining at least a civil relationship will show your child that you can work together for the good of the children.
The Do Not’s of Time-Sharing
Just as there are some things you should do during time-sharing, there are also some things you should avoid. These include:
- Use your child to communicate for you: You may have to speak to your former spouse about child support or other issues. Always do this directly and never use your child to communicate with their other parent for you.
- Interfere with your child’s relationship with the other parent: Regardless of what has happened between you, it is critical that your child maintains a healthy relationship with you and your former spouse. Do not make them feel guilty for spending time with their other parent or badmouth your former partner in front of the child.
- Buy your child’s love: You may feel guilty that your child had to live through the divorce, and you may think that buying them gifts or spending money on extravagant activities will make it better. It will not. Never try to buy your child’s love and always act as a parent and not a friend.
Our Child Custody Attorney in Brandon Can Help with Your Time-Sharing Plan
Whether you need to create a time-sharing plan, enforce an order, or modify an existing one, our Brandon child custody attorney at Koether Law, P.A. can provide the sound legal counsel you need. Call us now at 813-347-8193 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.