The Four Types Of Alimony In Florida

Many people have a basic understanding of alimony, but it is still an issue in divorce that is largely misunderstood. Alimony is often one of the most contentious aspects of many divorce cases, but it is also not always awarded. Family law judges will take many different factors into consideration when making decisions on alimony, including which type to award. There are four different types of alimony in Florida and the type a person may receive, or be expected to pay, will depend on the specific circumstances in the case.
Bridge the Gap Alimony
As the name implies, bridge the gap alimony is intended to support one spouse while they transition from being a married spouse to a single person. Bridge the gap alimony is short-term and cannot extend beyond 24 months. Bridge the gap alimony is also not eligible for modifications, meaning the amount awarded by a judge will remain in place for the entire duration of it. The only exceptions to this is if one spouse dies, or the recipient remarries, in which case a judge will terminate the order.
Rehabilitative Alimony
Sometimes after divorce, one spouse has to undergo vocational training or go back to school in order to obtain employment that will allow them to support themselves. In these cases, judges may award the spouse rehabilitative alimony. Unlike other types of alimony, rehabilitative is not meant to help someone pay their daily expenses but rather, pay for the cost of their training or education. As such, recipients are required to develop a clear plan that outlines the rehabilitation they will receive, and the associated costs. If there is a change in circumstances in the future, or the recipient does not follow through with the plan, rehabilitative alimony can be modified.
Durational Alimony
Durational alimony is very similar to bridge the gap alimony in the way that it is short term and can be terminated in the event that either spouse passes away or the recipient remarries. Unlike bridge the gap alimony though, durational alimony can extend past 24 months and can be modified.
Permanent Alimony
Permanent alimony is typically reserved for divorce cases that involve a marriage of 17 years or more. Still, it is sometimes awarded in shorter marriages if there are extenuating circumstances, such as if the recipient suffers from a severe disability. Permanent alimony is also only awarded when no other type of alimony is appropriate for a situation. Upon the death of either spouse, permanent alimony is terminated and it can also be terminated if the recipient enters a supportive relationship, even if they do not legally remarry.
Our Family Lawyer in Brandon Can Help with Your Alimony Issues
Alimony seems like a straightforward issue, but many people do not fully understand it. If you are getting a divorce and believe you will need alimony, or will need to defend against unfair requests for it, contact our Brandon family lawyer at Koether Law, P.A. today. Call us at 813-347-8193 or fill out our online form to request a confidential consultation with our skilled attorney and to obtain the sound legal advice you need.